Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Body Building Female: Muscles For Women Rock

There's not much issue about body building for women anymore. That's due to its being widely known that weight workouts bring important benefits to women as well as men. Gains such as improved circulation and bone density, increased metabolism and self esteem, plus reduced appetite and body fat to suggest only a few. The ancient idea of the body building female as a muscle-bound, bulked up, overdeveloped, sexless woman has now yielded to an enlightened understanding as regards the outcome of weight workouts for women, and an acknowledgement that it is as beneficial for women as men, with a few notable modifications in approach and techniques.

Without deliberately boosting the quantity of testosterone in their body, women just will not realize the much larger muscle mass possible for men. When you observe a woman with muscle mass comparable to a male, it is more than likely that she has turned to anabolic steroid use, which has too many downsides to even talk about here. The higher levels of estrogen usually found in women also promote a predisposition to store more fat than men, and to store it below the beltline. Most women have no need to appear like a male body builder, and they likewise don't want to put a lot of fat in the butt or thighs.

Fitness, muscle strength and tone; these are the first goals of most women who are training with weights. A few women have been put off by statements that if workouts decline, muscle reverts to fat. This is absolutely untrue. Fat can not transform to muscle, nor muscle to fat. If, by diet and exercise, you shed 10 pounds of fat and put on five pounds of muscle, you may conclude just that you just lost five pounds. This is a common conclusion, as to separate the muscle and fat percentages is not easy using only a scale.

A body-mass index estimate is certainly better suited to gauge progress, since it calculates your actual body fat, and that can be done using height and weight only. There are specialized scales that measure body mass index calculations, so that weighing yourself will offer more pertinent information than it did previously. Each pound of muscle you gain makes you a little stronger, increases your metabolism a bit, and aids you to lose even more. Every pound of fat you take off is that much less of a burden on your body, a lightened load to bear and an affirmative boost to your confidence.

Other falsehoods about muscles for women are of long standing, but are being applied to women now, when before only males were taxed with claims of reduced flexibility, and a decrease in athleticism caused by bodybuilding. The claim that weight workouts leads to loss of femininity attacks the heart of what women sincerely want to achieve - become more feminine through healthy diet and fitness. This is certainly an achievable target for the majority of women, and the beauty of it is, no matter what you accomplish, that beats doing nothing and continuing on the same route that is making you unhappy. Even if you fail to reach your proclaimed goal, it's not the end of the world - you can try again. Perhaps your target was overly grand right now. Remember, some effort can lead to more effort.

Continued effort with a proper diet can be successful. Any real success will come from discovering new habits that satisfy you, and that you can faithfully follow comfortably.

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