Wednesday, July 6, 2011

exercises to build muscle in the Back

As the abs, chest, and biceps can be big and easily draw attention, it is not hard to realize how they are what a new bodybuilder focuses on. What usually happens is overlooking the back muscles. The back muscles are extremely important and should not be ignored as any muscle group should never be ignored and bodybuilding. The back muscles are very supportive of all the other muscles that are important in the development of them.

Ways to Increase Back Muscle

Here are a number of exercises used by bodybuilders successfully. Equal work out time should be done for the upper back muscles as well as those located in the lower or the middle back. This is very important. Be safe and do these exercises at a fitness center with the trainer monitoring you. Waste support should also be used if you are using heavier weights.

Pull Ups/ Chin Ups

Back muscles are worked with these two exercises. With knees bent and legs on the floor, stretcher arms above your head and hold on to a bar. If you notice how far apart the arms are, this is the major difference between these exercises. The ideal distance between your arms for chin-ups is six inches. Arms need to be 12 inches apart for pull-ups and the palms facing out. You want to pull your body up to where the chin can touch the bar or even go above the bar. Upon reaching that level, hold it for a moment and then let yourself back down. In each of these exercises do ten repetitions in three to four sets.


These are some of the easiest back muscles exercises that you can do. The surprising thing about these exercises is that even though they're very simple they're very effective. You need to place the right amount of weight onto the barbell. When you have done that, bend at the waist. Make sure you have your arms at shoulder width, palms are down and gab the weight. Very slowly lift the barbell until your body is completely straight. After you are fully straight, roll the shoulders back and hold for a moment.Bring the barbell slowly back to the original staring position. You should do 4 sets of 10 reps.

T-Bar Rows

Legs to the side of the T-bar and the chest and abdomen on the bar is the position you should assume. You should place weights onto the handle bar and grip it tightly. Avoid too much stress on your back by doing this exercise with slightly bent knees. Keep the upper body at a 45 degree angle during this exercise. You will want to use your lats as you pull the handle slowly to your abdomen. Challenge your back muscles by arching your back slightly. Remain in the position for a second or two before lowering the handle back to the starting position slowly. Plan on doing 4 sets of 10 reps.

Bent Barbell Rows

You need to set up a barbell with the right amount of weight. Get a firm grip on the barbell. Hands should be with palms facing downward. The distance between the hands should be the same as the distance between your shoulders. Take a single barbell and up to your chest, lift it. Feeling the stress in your back? That means you can stop. Straighten your arms. Never allow the barbell to touch ground between reps. Make an effort to do four sets and ten reps per.

Lat Press

Attach a straight bar, but only after the right amount of weight has been added to your pulley. Seat yourself onto the lat machine, then you need to take the bar. With arms at shoulder width and your palms toward the floor, take hold of the bar. The stretch of your lats can be felt by lifting up your arms all the way. Lower the bar and arch your back a slight way. Tug the bar. Once it touches your chest, bring the bar up. Release the bar only after you have sat there for a long time. Preform four sets and ten reps each set.

Source: Free Articles from

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